
2022 Year in Review
As we prepare to ring in 2023, we here at Living LFS want to take a moment to look back with you and celebrate all

Perspective on Previving Cancer
by Aimee I used to have a lot of issues with the term “previvor” because it frightened me. It was an acknowledgement that I was

How a Family Cancer Story Became The Hope of Elephants
A girl struggles to decide whether to be tested for the genetic mutation linked to her father’s cancer. Would it be better not to know

Panic Attacks
by Ilonka Dee Dylan broke his arm two months ago. About a year and a half ago, we gave Dylan a skateboard after he nagged

8 Sophisticated Ways to Donate to Charity and Reduce Your Taxes
If you regularly make large, generous donations to Living LFS or other 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, make sure you’re getting the biggest tax break possible for

The Universe Had Other Plans: Lauren's Story
I found out I was pregnant with my first baby three days after I was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome. My husband and I had been

The Realities of LFS and Cancer: Elizabeth's Story
I and my one year old baby both have LFS. Late last Fall my baby was diagnosed with Adrenocortical Carcinoma. Since then we have been

Identifying Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Taylor's Story
Hello. My name is Taylor. I am twenty years old and I was diagnosed with Li-Fraumeni Syndrome in December of 2021. When I was seven

Stay Strong and Live Life: Hailey's Story
My name is Hailey and in May of 2020, I found out I was pregnant with my now 1 year old. I also found out

2022 Living LFS Mandala
Make a $530 donation to support Living LFS Hardship Grants and you can own this one-of-a-kind mandala, currently being hand-drawn by the illustrious Inge Vandormael

$12,000 in hardship grants to be awarded on Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Day, March 20
Living LFS will celebrate Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Awareness Month throughout March FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 6, 2022 Greg Harper President, Living LFS, Andi Last Vice

The Early Detective: Don’t let cancer define you
I had adrenal cancer as an infant in 1985, so the word ‘survivor’ has been part of my vocabulary my whole life. Even though I was too young to