Cancer Centers and Contact Information
Our care page is a work in progress. Please check back often as we update this page with the most up to date facilities and resources to help you live with LFS. The centers listed below are familiar with LFS and can help answer questions about Li-Fraumeni Syndrome.
Do you have a recommendation for a hospital, oncologist, or genetic counselor in your area and you would like to share this information with the Living LFS community? Contact Us with details and we will add your recommendation to our growing database!

The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
David Malkin
Senior Staff Oncologist, Haematology/Oncology
Director, Cancer Genetics Program
Phone: 416-813-8597
Fax: 416-813-5327
Genetic Counsellor:
Bailey Gallinger
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York/New Jersey
William Tapp 1-212-639-2000
Mark Robson (Genetics) 1-646-888-4050
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Joshua Schiffman 1-801-587-4745
Amanda Gammon 1-801-587-4745
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center
Jennifer Litton 1-877-632-6789
Michelle Jackson
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Boston, MA
Allie O’Neill (pediatrics) 1-866-408-DFCI
Judy Garber
National Institutes of Health
National Cancer Institute
University of Pennsylvania
Cancer Risk Evaluation Program (CREP)
CREP Scheduler: 215-349-9093
Kara Maxwell, MD PhD
Jacquelyn Powers, MS LCGC
Jessica Long, MS LCGC
Jessica Ebrahimzadeh, MS LCGC
Dana Clark, MS LCGC
Danielle McKenna, MS LCGC
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
CHOP Cancer Risk Program Scheduler:
Garrett Brodeur, M.D.
Suzanne MacFarland, M.D.
Kristin Zelley, M.S.
Certified Genetic Counselor, Cancer Predisposition Program
Phone: 267-426-5877
Fax: 215-590-3770
Sarah Jennings, M.S
Certified Genetic Counselor, Cancer Predisposition Program
Phone: 267-426-3850
Fax: 215-590-3770