Greg Harper

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My introduction to Li Fraumeni Syndrome occurred when my wife was diagnosed with a p53 mutation while battling HER2 positive breast cancer at the age of 32. There were so many questions and going to Google was not giving us the answers we were looking for. 

After searching around awhile, I stumbled upon the Living LFS Facebook support group. In this group, I was introduced to some of the most compassionate, supportive, and strong people who were living LFS every day. They had some answers, they listened to the venting, they provided levity and a little bit of snark, and above all they were a crutch for me during some really difficult times. When my wife's mutation was reclassified as a "variant unknown significance" it added to the confusion but only strengthened my desire to understand, and hopefully, spread that understanding to the community.

So why am I interested in serving Living LFS? In short, I owe. I owe the LFS community. I owe them the kindness and acceptance that they showed me. To repay this debt, I dedicate my passion for solving problems, my efforts to collaborate with people smarter than me, and my time to provide help to those who need it. I commit myself to this group as they committed their time to me. It's my goal to help move the LFS community forward and support those who are living LFS every day.

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